Tarpon Times

The Student News Site of Tarpon Springs High School

Tarpon Times

Tarpon Times

Daniel Suarez

Daniel Suarez

Daniel is a Junior at Tarpon High and it is his first year as a staff member of AICE Media Studies. As a reoccurring student at Tarpon High, he has gotten to know the lay of the land, holding close bonds with many students as well as teachers. Friendly and charismatic he tries to welcome any new people that he spots walking around the hallways of Tarpon High. On top of being a student he is also an athlete, being a 3rd year wrestler, he is very passionate and hopes to continue when he makes his way to college. Some other extracurriculars that he takes part in ins Mu Alpha Theta where he sits confused most of the time, and debate which he hopes to improve in. He is looking forward to graduating next year and hopes to go to a college out of state. Wanting to become a medivac paramedic, for a full-time job he’ll need a lot of schooling.   

All content by Daniel Suarez