Beyonce makes live return performance for the first time in 5 years.

March 10, 2023
Beyonce The US superstar headlined the private concert in Dubai for the luxury hotel Atlantis the Royal on January 21st, 2023 .
Beyonce has come again with her first live performance in 5 years in Dubai. Many were excited to see what she had up her sleev,e but many more were not happy with the after math.
Lawrence Barton , who runs a chain of gay bars in Birmingham, says it was “truly disappointing” to see Beyoncé performing in Dubai. But he says he wants to hear the singer answer as to why she chose to do the show.
“Beyoncé is considered by the LGBTQI community as an ally,” Barton said.
Abigal Firth, Freelance music journalist tells BBC Newsbeat Beyoncé’s recent work is “indebted to LGBT culture “It seems like a really misguided choice from her.”
Peter Tatchell, said that by “Ditching her own progressive values, she put a money-grabbing pay cheque before human rights. And sang no songs from Renaissance album, to appease anti-LGBT+ regime.”
Matthew Knowles, her father and manager, defends Beyonce saying she “always stood for inclusiveness” and would never do anything to “deliberately hurt someone.”
A Beyonce fan in said “No beef but I’m struggling to understand why Beyoncé, who has half a billion dollars, would accept 20 million dollars to make her debut performance of the Renaissance album, a record which lifts heavily from queer culture, in Dubai, a country where LGBT rights aren’t recognized.”
TS Maddison, LGBTQIA+ activist who was featured on “Renaissance.” “So y’all gone [sic] be mad At @Beyonce when she Perform on her tour in those US States that have anti LGBTQ laws in place? Or are you gone [sic] still get your tickets? The selective outrage is workin my #cozy nerves,”
“We are only going to make a change by talking about it,” says Aaron, adding: “She loves us gays. She loves the LGBT community.”
Annalise • Sep 13, 2023 at 12:03 pm
Well written article.